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Six Signs You’re Dehydrated

Six Signs You’re Dehydrated

Summer brings warmer temperatures, longer days, and a wealth of outdoor activities, making it one of the best times of the year. However, with more time spent outdoors, especially in the sun, there’s an increased risk of dehydration. With long days on the bike/training even a small drop in hydration can affect your performance greatly. It’s easy to overlook the early signs of dehydration when you’re enjoying yourself, but being aware can help you stay healthy and active.

Here are six common signs that you might be dehydrated:

  1. Feeling Thirsty

Your body is excellent at maintaining its internal balance, including hydration levels. When dehydration begins, osmoreceptors sense the imbalance and trigger the release of hormones like ADH (anti-diuretic hormone), which increases your urge to drink. This sensation of thirst is one of the earliest indicators of dehydration.

  1. Dry Mouth and Throat

Along with thirst, you may notice dryness in your mouth and throat as early signs of dehydration. As it worsens, you might experience dry, cracked lips or a hoarse voice. These are signals that you need to drink more water.

  1. Fatigue and Mood Changes

Feeling unusually tired or finding physical activities harder than usual can be signs of dehydration. It can also impact your mood, making you more irritable or easily agitated, and can affect your concentration and cognitive performance. In severe cases, dehydration can lead to confusion and altered mental states, including unusual anger or aggression.

  1. Decreased Urine Output or Dark Colored Urine

When dehydrated, your body reduces urine output to conserve water, leading to less frequent urination. Your urine may also become darker in color, as it becomes more concentrated with waste products. Ideally, urine should be pale yellow (not clear) if you are well-hydrated.

  1. Headache

Although the exact relationship between dehydration and headaches is not fully understood, dehydration-related headaches are common. Some people are more susceptible than others, and dehydration can even trigger migraines in those prone to them.

  1. Dry, Wrinkled Skin

Dehydrated skin can lose elasticity, resulting in more pronounced fine lines and wrinkles. You might also notice “tenting” of the skin when pinched, where the skin temporarily retains the pinched shape before returning to normal. Try the pinch test on the back of your hand; if your skin doesn't quickly bounce back, you might be moderately dehydrated.

Remember, these are just some common signs of dehydration, and symptoms can vary. It’s crucial to stay prepared, especially during the warmer summer months, by keeping plenty of fluids on hand. So, before you head out, make sure to pack your favorite Hydro Power hydration products and keep dehydration at bay. Stay hydrated and fueled so you can perform your best! Here's some quick fueling tips.

Mix Ignite with 8-10 ounces of water and drink 30-45 minutes before your race. Take no more than 2 scoops within a 4-hour period.

Mix one scoop of Endurance Fuel with 16 ounces of water. Drink before and between each moto. You can drink as many scoops as needed.

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